Monday, 9 January 2012

Final Video:

Considering the feedback we received after posting our opening sequence 'The Black Apple' onto various social networking sites such as Twitter, Tumblr and Youtube. During the double media lesson today, while Chloe and Nicola were finishing their evaluations, i decided to follow the feedback given.

One main feedback given was that the voice over was quite and the soundtrack was too loud which made it difficult to hear the voice over. Therefore, i increased the voice over to be louder and deeper to create the voice over to be more mysterious and fit into the scenery, creating the voice to be lower. Whereas beforehand the voice was very girl and light which we wanted to make it heavy as if she's been taken over by the temptation. I did this by slowing down the speed of the audio from 100 to 93 which made a huge, benefical difference which i feel is a lot better.

In addition, i added an echo behind the voice over, making it seem as if the individual is more isolated, mysterious and mystical, i did this by adding the effect 'echo' onto the audio, experimenting with the impact, timing, duration etc.

Lastly, I made the section between the black screen and shed 5 seconds longer than usual as this makes it more intense and dramatic, which i believe defiantly fits into the music more and leaves the audience guessing what's happening next building into the next scene.

In conclusion i am very happy that the audience gave us improvements to do to our opening as i feel that this is exceedingly better, is more effective and overall mysterious as beforehand, we had a average teenage girls voice which also had background noise distracting the audiences attentions away from the most important concept of the opening. Therefore, i am extremely pleased with the final outcome.

Here is our final, new and improved opening sequence, 'The Black Apple':

Friday, 6 January 2012

Q7. Looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression for that to the final product?

Preliminary Task:

'The Black Apple':


Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?


Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q3. What kind of institution might distributed your media product and why?


Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?