Monday, 28 November 2011

Animatic - Part 2:

Completed by: Me

In today's media lesson, we began putting the animated story board onto the editing software 'Final Cut Express HD' which we manage to finish.

What did we do in today's lesson?
  • After we coloured in all the shots from the story board - blog below - We began changing each image file to 'JPEG', as this allowed us to upload the images onto Final Cut.
  • We then imported the images onto Final Cut
  • Followed by re-arranged the images to match the story board and the right length of time.
  • Using the music software 'Garage Band' to add any additional sound effects, adding the song 'Dead Silence' which i found.
After we had got the Animatics sorted and in order, Nicola and I went onto 'Garage Band' which is a software that consists of a large range of sound effects and music suited for all types of movies. Our aim was to look for fantasy-like, enigmatic music which gradually blends into high-pitched, tensional music which is posing a question on the audience. Therefore, we have found a range of sound effects which we feel will suit our theme to the movie and will be added into the Animated created. In addition, we used the sound effects I had found individually (posted in week 4), which is sounds of a women running, screaming and a heart beat which we have added in and have recored my voice ready the script and biting into the apple.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: We wont be adding the voice over and institutional logo onto the animatics, however, we will add this onto the opening when finished. The voice over will be recorded straight onto the imac's and Chloe will download the logo and import it straight on.


In conclusion, creating an animated, moving storyboard enabled us to add music and sound effects has been extremely re-awarding and helpful as it laid out an understanding of how our opening is estimated to visually look like. Working in a group, we may all had various ideas, therefore, creating this allowed us to bring our final ideas together. However, i do admire how the final out come has turned out and am looking forward to filming. In addition, allowing us to do this has also helped us will our skills of using the editing soft wares 'Final Cut' and 'Garage Band' which is very helpful for when we editing the final piece and has allowed us to gain more knowledge about these two software's. I feel that this as been very successful and as a group we we all agreed on the same ideas that came together. However, we have had some problems with the size of the photos which you can see during the animatics, when the video hits 43 seconds the images unexpectedly are smaller than usual, which we believe they might have been saved as different files. Although, i do love how the music easily flows with the video which is something we did not expect.

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