Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Continuity Exercise Storyboard:

Completed by: Me

This is the storyboard I made individually for my continuity exercise that we will be shooting tomorrow - 12/10/11. However, the continuity exercise will be shot in groups of three, which i may not be able to use my own storyboard, although we will compromise and use sections of each group members story board.

The order of the storyboard is the top left box is the first, the box on the right of the first page is the second shot, the third shot is the box under the first box and it goes on like that.

Scene 1
Shot 1
Shot Type:
MS (Mid-shot)
Shot Angle: OTS (Over the shoulder)
Length: 4 seconds

The camera is positioned over the shoulder of the character, creating a DS shoot. In addition, the audience will be able to see the characters shoulder and in the background the door which then the character will slowly walk up to the door.

Dialogue: silence

Scene 2
Shot 2
Shot Type:
CU (Close up)
Shot Angle: POV (Point of view)
Length: 2 Seconds

The camera is positioned in front of the character so the audience can see the characters face as they walk up to the door.

Dialogue: silence

Scene 3:
Shot 3
Shot Type:
XCU (Extreme close up)
Shot Angle: LA (Low angle)
Length: 5 seconds
The camera is positioned facing the door handle; this will be a freeze frame until the character opens the door. The camera will slowly capture the door handle opening which will be duration of the 5 seconds.  Dialogue: silence

Scene 4:
Shot 4
Shot Type:
LS (Long shot)
Shot Angle: EYE (Eye line)
Length: 2 seconds
The camera will be positioned so the audience can see the main characters whole body to show their body language. Dialogue:  silence


Scene 5:
Shot 5
Shot Type:
MS (Medium shot)
Shot Angle: EYE (Eye level)
Length: 4 seconds
The camera will be positioned on the main character slowly sitting down and also letting the audience see the second character.Dialogue: First character: "Hey, how have you been?"

Scene 6:
Shot 6
Shot Type:
MS (Medium Shot)
Shot Angle: OTS (Over the shoulder)
Length: 3 seconds

The camera will be positioned to have fall focus on the second character, having the main characters shoulder and half the chair in the corner of the frame.
Dialogue: Second character: "I am very well thank you and yourself?"

Scene 7:
Shot 7
Shot Type: MS (Medium shot)
Shot Angle: EYE (Eye level)
Length: 7 seconds
The camera will be positioned so the audience can see both characters while exchanging dialogue. This will conclude of reverse shots of the two characters. Dialogue:  First character: "That’s good and I’m fine thanks. Are you ready to go?"

Scene 8:Shot 8
Shot Type:
Shot Angle: EYE (Eye level angle)/HA (High angle)
Length: 3 seconds
The camera will be positioned three quarters of the characters while they finish exchanging dialogue. Camera will suddenly change to a high angle as the two character stand up and walk out of the room in silence.Dialogue: silence

1 comment:

  1. Very detailed and precise, good practice for the real thing. I look forward to seeing whether it works for you!
