Completed by: Me
Nicola Ho, Chloe King and I created a slide show on demonstrating our research and ideas, leading up to our final decision on picking the movie genre and story line. This slideshow will show the ideas we came around through the area of the project and how we have developed it.
Nicola Ho, Chloe King and I created a slide show on demonstrating our research and ideas, leading up to our final decision on picking the movie genre and story line. This slideshow will show the ideas we came around through the area of the project and how we have developed it.
This first slideshow demonstrates Nicola, Chloe and I creating a spider diagram of different genre ideas, also giving examples of films within that genre. For example: Musical – Hairspray. In addition, we decided to do this as it narrows down different movie genres which interests us. Moreover, it gives us a better understanding of movies within different movie genres.
Within this screen show, Nicola, Chloe and I have written a short two paragraphs on why we have written a brain storm. However, we also concluded with writing what film genres we are interested in and feel are good to work with. We have chosen a sub-genre ‘fantasy thriller.’ We wanted to incorporate the typical ‘fantasy thriller’ conventions, although, keeping it life-like and unique.
In this screen shot is a full demostartion of the first clip of the slideshow. This covers the research into different genres and important details – choosing the final genre we have decided to base our 2 minite film opening on.
Here is the second section of the slideshow. This covers ‘reasons why we chosen thriller/fantasy’ As a group we have covered five important steps on why we have conluded to this final idea, desicribing why we like the idea, how we are going to develop it and what ideas we already have. This helps us understand the ideas now and if we feel this is someting we want to do/base our film opening upon.
Here this screen shot concludes on our five reasons why we have concluded wit this final idea.
As we have based our idea on ‘thriller fantasy’ we decided to choose two movies which are similar to our idea. This is why we have chosen the movie cover ‘Alice in Wonderland and ‘Red Riding Hood.’ These two films are very similar to what Nicola, Chloe and I are aiming to base our idea on as these are our inspirations.
Now Nicola, Chloe and I have found a genre for our film opening, we decided to start thinking about location ideas. Nevertheless, we gathered some images from that we thought would be the typical conventions for a ‘thriller/fantasy’ film. Here, we have came to a conclusion of tree locations which are based within our theme which we think are easy to get to and demonstrates a thriller/fantasy atmosphere.
Within this screen shot, here are some notes researching on our idea or using a fairytale character. Nicola, Chloe and I brainstormed different fairytale characters that are well-known and explained a rough storyline we would base their character on. This helped us understand the different storylines we have considered and how to develop them in the future. After creating this we came up with 3 successful ideas and came to a final decision.
In this screen shot, we came to a final decision of using ‘Snow White’ in our two minute film opening. Within this section of the slideshow, we decided to create a brainstorm on why we have chosen this particular character. We have written down how the character will be successful within our idea and how it will appeal to a wider audience.
Nicola, Chloe and I are intrigued with the idea of using ‘Snow white’ within our film opening that we are presenting photo’s from that are our inspirations. Ere is a picture of popular character ‘Snow White’ holding the suspicious apple which is a camera shot we could like to capture.

Here is the last section of the slideshow which sums up our final idea and have decided that we want to capture the famous biting of the apple idea. Here are just rough thoughts Nicola, Chloe and I had and hopefully will be able to experiment with these.
Here is the overall view of Nicola’s, Chloe’s and mine visual slideshow we created which presents our development of how we decided on choosing the sub-genre ‘thriller fantasy’.

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